
Rebelle mcm
Rebelle mcm

rebelle mcm rebelle mcm

  • A T-18 towed sonar, carrying the UMISAS synthetic interferometric side scan sonar for mine detection.
  • An A-18 underwater drone, carrying the UMISAS synthetic interferometric side scan sonar for mine detection.
  • The drone: ECA Group’s USV INSPECTOR 125 allows the deployment and recovery of:.
  • A real asset, securing the drones in their dock limits the need to move them for reconfiguration and maintenance, thus simplifying operations while protecting personnel from the risks inherent in handling
  • The security system: allows the drones to be locked in the floating dock.
  • Once lifted on board, the dock allows maintenance and reconfiguration of the USV without having to move it. The floating dock allows to limit the overall efforts while guaranteeing overall stability. This particularly innovative system makes it possible to limit the swing phenomena by working in a combined and automated way with the kinematics of the gantry combining guide arms, winches and a synchronized system of absorption.
  • The floating dock: a “cradle” for hosting surface drones (USV).
  • rebelle mcm

    The LARS (Launch and Recovery System): equipped with automated arms that equip the two sides of the ships, it works like an elevator, allowing the launching and recovery of the floating dock that hosts the drones.The tests brought together for the first time four subsystems designed by the consortium and allowed them to be tested in real conditions on the VN Rebel, a specially chartered vessel:

    Rebelle mcm